Parent Empowerment Night: Transition
September 16th, 2021
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Session 15:00 - 5:45 pmSession 26:00 - 6:45 pmSession 37:00 - 7:45 pm
Please RSVP here for Childcare (room 105)
SpeakerAgency & DescriptionRoomMelinda MostynSLCC: Disability Resource Center- Learn about the accommodations your student can have in college settings and the difference between post-high education and the k-12 systems. Only lecture during session 1 Table in the commons area for questions Room 301
Lisa Gaeta - Department of Persons with Disabilities (DSPD): Does your student qualify? How do you apply? This simple Q and A may be your key to unlocking years of funding and services. - Room 302
Lisa Dowling - Vocational Rehabilitation: Interested in employment services. Then come learn about Voc Rehab and how to apply. (Virtual Session) - Room 303
Allie Brown - SA Internship Programs: Your student can get job experience and earn high school credits! No session 1, available 2 and 3 Room 304
Doraleen Taulanga - UTA Travel Training: Learn about the many programs UTA offers and how they can help train your student to be a public transportation expert. Only lecture during session 1 - Room 305
Amy Wadsworth - Columbus Community Center: Learn about the many programs available to help your student as they transition into the workforce and independent living - Room 306
Genevieve Gribble - Estate Planning - Room 307
Christina Guevara - Transition Assessments and Programs - Room 308
Ashey Rigby - College Preparation & Financing - Room 309