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Distance Learning Notice


Dear Spectrum Families,

It is with regret that we inform you that the Intermediate School in North Salt Lake has over 30 positive COVID cases. According to state guidelines, this means that we must either go into distance-learning or test to stay. Due to a statewide insufficient supply of COVID tests and guidance from the Governor and USBE officials, we will be going into distance learning tomorrow Friday 1/14, and Tuesday 1/18. This will impact all of our Upper Elementary and Middle School classes, including Learning Skills. Due to the needs of our Functional Skills population and the smaller number of positive cases, they will continue to attend school as normal.

Technology: In order to ensure access for all students, we will be sending home Chromebooks with students today. Please fill out the below survey, so we can give access to technology as needed. If you need to pick up a Chromebook tomorrow, please arrive between 8:00-9:00 to check one out.

Elementary Distance Learning:

Watch for communication from classroom staff. They will communicate with you about what form of distance learning they will implement for their classroom. This could include independent work, video lessons, live check-ins, and/or live stream classes (Definitions below).

Middle School Distance Learning:


1st Period - 8:15 - 9:15

2nd Period - 9:20 - 10:20

3rd Period - 10:25 - 11:25

Lunch - 11:30 - 12:00

4th Period 12:05 - 1:00

Advisory Check-ins - 1:00 - 1:30

Tutoring 1:30 - 3:00

Each teacher will communicate the work expectations for their class. They could include any of the following.

Independent work: Students access and complete work on their own either via Canvas (How to access Canvas video) or through packets. Students and parents contact the teacher via email or phone calls to the school.

Video lessons: The teacher records a lesson covering the class content and posts it in Canvas for students to access. Students complete work on their own. Students and parents contact the teacher via email or phone calls to the school.

Live Check-ins: Students access work in Canvas and complete it mostly on their own. The teacher makes available a live session during the scheduled class time in which students can join to ask questions or get help with their work. Parents are asked to contact teachers via email or phone calls to the school.

Live stream class: The teacher offers a live stream class for all or part of the scheduled class time. Students can also access work in Canvas on their own if they are unable to join the live stream. Parents are asked to contact teachers via email or phone calls to the school.

Lunch: Parents, if you need lunch or breakfast for your child at the intermediate school you can fill out this form and pick up a sack lunch from 11:00 - 12:00.

Please feel free to contact a member of administration with any questions or concerns.

Thanks for your understanding as we strive to keep our students and staff healthy and safe.

Intermediate School Admin Team,

Levi Grisenti, Steve Merrell, and Katie Hart.

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