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2025-26 Admissions Lottery & Waiting List Applications

The lottery was held on February 28th at 3:30pm.  Please contact the office if you have questions.

Our Mission

Spectrum Academy is the premier charter school in Utah for students with autism and other neurodiversities who would benefit from our unique learning environment. We provide small class sizes, with individualized instruction and innovative social skills curriculum. We help students reach their fullest potential academically, socially, and emotionally, leading to productive and successful futures.

Non-Discrimination/Harassment Free Environment Notice
Spectrum Academy Charter  School prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), or retaliation on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other legally protected classification in all educational programs, activities, admissions, access, treatment, or employment practices. Related inquiries and complaints may be directed to a school administrator or the following Title IX Director: Liz Banner

Our Story

In 2005, a group of parents frustrated with the educational opportunities available for students with autism, took it upon themselves to ensure the academic success of their children. After years of hard work, sacrifice and sheer determination, they opened the doors of the first charter school in Utah dedicated solely to the academic, behavioral and social success of students with high-functioning autism.

The same vision that motivated these early parents still drives the parents, educators and staff at Spectrum Academy today. What started as an elementary program of 150 students has expanded to include elementary and high school programs in multiple campuses with a combined population of over 1,400 students.

Spectrum Academy is the premier research-based model for inclusive education for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders who require mild to moderate supports. We operate kindergarten through 12th grade and transition age-of-majority in state-of-the-art facilities. Spectrum Academy offers quality public classes and opportunities for students in technology, arts, recreation, vocational, and academics.


Thanks to the generous contributions of corporate and individual sponsors we are able to maintain small teacher-to-student ratios, quality-related services, and the best life skills program in the nation. Parents are fully-engaged, involved, and empowered to create the maximum impact for their children. Our teachers are highly-qualified with dual certification and training in social–cognitive deficits and are actively contributing to making a difference for our students. Our graduates are contributing members of society. 

Board Mtg. Notices


Children on the autism spectrum process information differently than children without an ASD--which means that a child with autism learns differently than a child without autism. These learning differences can, at times, create educational challenges that may seem impossible to overcome.

At Spectrum Academy we meet these challenges using our research-based curriculum as teachers seek to blend the requirements of the Utah State Core and Common Core Curriculum, social skills instruction, and sensory integration with identified behavior-based instructional practices for children with autism. To further meet these challenges, teachers, staff and parents at Spectrum Academy plan educational goals for each student while observing five distinct guidelines.

Our staff seeks to:

  • Assess all of our students' individual needs.

  • Plan instruction and intervention to meet those needs using multi-tiered systems of support across all areas of instruction and development.

  • Provide ongoing progress-monitoring, including the identification of alternate measurements to allow for diverse learners to demonstrate mastery.

  • Support our community with parent training in the form of community outreach and the grooming of effective partnerships.

  • Teach all of our students to the maximum capacity that they can learn.

Want to know more?


*Small Class Sizes

*Leveled Learning

*Utah Core Curriculum

*Social Skills Curriculum

*CTE (Career Exploration and Training)

*Athletics, Clubs, Student Council

*Teacher and Paraprofessional in every Classroom
*Speech Therapy and Assistive Technology

*Accommodations and Modifications

*Occupational Therapy, Sensory Rooms, Manipulatives
*Behavior Strategies, Level Up Program

*Individual Counseling

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